The Sixth Wilbury

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Trying Something New Everyday

My newest discovery in self-achievement: I can parallel park into a spot to the left of my car!! Now, maybe it has in fact been done before by a much more advanced parallel parker than myself, but my first go at it came on Friday night. I saw a spot on a little one way street thing and there it was... To my left. So I just zipped right in there! (well, after 2 tries, but I was still impressed with myself!) The trick is, pretend like you're parallel parking to the right, but just switch everything to the other side!! Sounds simple enough, and I will reassure you that you can do it!! Don't get discouraged if you accidentally crank the wheel to the right instead of the left... It does take some getting used to. But you'll catch on, I know you will!

And take it from me. After all, my name is MISS PARKER...!

Saturday, July 23, 2005


I was inspired to post this today because I, myself, looked up and saw that the world was full of clouds. (not an everyday sighting here in the desert!) How I wish I could take credit for writing something so beautiful. But I can't. So read and enjoy... it's one of my absolute favorite things.

Darius and the Clouds

You can never have too much sky. You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky, and sky can keep you safe when you are sad. Here there is too much sadness and not enough sky. Butterflies too are few and so are flowers and most things that are beautiful. Still, we take what we can get and make the best of it.

Darius, who doesn't like school, who is sometimes stupid and mostly a fool, said something wise today, though most days he says nothing. Darius, who chases girls with firecrackers or a stick that touched a rat and thinks he's tough, today pointed up because the world was full of clouds, the kind like pillows.

You all see that cloud, that fat one there? Darius said, See that? Where? That one next to the one that look like popcorn. That one there. See that. That's God, Darius said. God? somebody little asked. God, he said, and made it simple.

From The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Pop, Soda, Coke, ... whatever you call it!

Yesterday as I was driving, out and about doing errands, I drove by a fire station. The big huge garage door was open and I peeked in and was shocked at what I saw: a pop machine. Although this doesn't seem like the type of thing to be shocked about, I was. Even though I honestly hadn't given it much thought, as to whether or not there were pop machines in fire stations, I guess I always imagined a fridge full of fire-fighting goodies. You know how you see the shows and commercials where the fire fighters all go grocery shopping together? What, they don't buy pop at the store? And then I started feeling really bad for the guys (and girls, whatever) because I thought: 'it's over 100 degrees outside!! And if Joe Fire Fighter is hot because he's been putting out forest fires or pulling babies out of pools because parents don't watch their kids around water, well then I think he should be able to cool off with a refreshing can of pop!' Oh, but no. Let's FIRST hope that he remembered to grab a dollar off of his dresser this morning!

Maybe we should all write letters to Coca Cola and petition that fire fighters are given free pop. Just an idea (-:

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Psssstt... look what I found...

what's yours?

Friday, July 08, 2005

Air in a Can

I am amazed. Absolutely and totally amazed.
I've discovered Air in a Can.
Okay, now don't do that, "ckhs" sound of disbelief, because I HAVE heard of it before. It just wasn't until today that I got to play with it!! I went around "airing" everything from keyboards to picture frames to CD players! Very effective, let me tell you.

Perhaps the most mysterious thing about air in a can --aside from the thought of, wow, someone is sitting in their big mansion because on day they decided to put air in a can and sell it-- is, why does the can get cold as you spray the air out? But then it stops being cold once you stop spraying...? Can you buy air in a can that will be hot when you spray it out? Maybe I should invent THAT, and then me and that other guy who invented COLD air in a can can sit around in our mansions and have a "we invented hot and cold air in cans" club.

Oh man. I can picture the t-shirts now...

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Why The Desert Is Not A Cool Place To Be In The Summer

Ha, ha. And yes, pun intended.

I've decided to put together a little list for you non-desert dwellers as to why you should be glad you're not here right now:
*Cold water is hard to come by (i.e. shower, sink, to drink-unless it's out of the fridge.)
*No I don't have to heat up my car in the winter before I go somewhere, instead I have to get it started early so the A/C can cool off.
*Even though I have taken the proper percautions such as a silver thing in my windshield, the stearing wheel burns my hands when I touch it. A whole new meaning is given to SUN BURN...
*It doesn't matter if you try to get up early to go running or if you decide to sleep in a little... it's still gonna be hot.
*As fun as it would be to eat ice cream for 3 meals a day to cool off, it's just not happening. I already am having problems... (see reason above). (michelle is not allowed to comment) (-:
*"It's a dry heat!" ok. Go stick your head in an oven. Tell me how you feel about it THEN.
*It would really suck to be a firefighter, fighting a forest fire, in their firefighter gear, in the middle of the desert. PUT OUT YOUR CAMPFIRES, PEOPLE!!!
*I can't play with my dog outside, for her own good )-:
*It's hard to put an outfit together... it's 120 degrees outside, 155 degress in your car, and 68 degrees in any public building.
*Cannot even chance running outside, JUST FOR A SECOND!! barefoot. Flip flops rule.
*If you are being smart and wearing flip flops to the pool and you leave them right-side-up, well you might as well just walk back inside barefoot.

I'm sure there are perks to living in the desert......??? I just can't seem to think of any right now...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

A Fly On The Wall

I have decided that if I were to be a fly (in my next life...?) I would be the smartest fly EVER!! Here's my plan/advice, (in case anyone else might become a fly in their next life):

**If a huge, 120 pound object begins to swat at me visciously, I will go SOMEWHERE ELSE. I will not stick around or come back for more.
**If a bright pink object is continuously being flung in my direction while sitting on a window, I will go outside.
**When I see bright lights, I will go in the other direction.
**If a ginormous, human-like form is sleeping on the couch, I might go in for a taste. BUT, if the aforesaid ginormous human-like form begins to flail at me, I will go somehwere else.
**I will not attempt to make my meals out of human picnic food, while it is being picniced on.
**Oh, and spider webs are no good, either.

I think that's really it. In short, I would stay away from humans and their stuff.