The Sixth Wilbury

Thursday, December 30, 2004

A Good Day to Start a Blog

Today was a good day and so I decided that I would start a blog and share it with the ENTIRE WORLD! What about today made it so good that I should share it with the rest of the world? you might ask. Well, I'm sorry but I cannot tell you that (it's a seeecretttt)! Actually, it's not. I just like to keep people in suspense (-;
I will tell you the surroundings of my day that indeed helped to make it a successful one: the weather was bEaUtIfUl. It rained all day yesterday and so the morning sun brought with it clear skies with a scent that I can't describe. I drove with my windows down and the music turned UP, while innocent bystanders in the next lane thought I must be crazy as I jammed to what else... my Sister Hazel CD... (well, one of many!) Have you ever seen Desert Grass? Apparently it only appears when there's a lot of moisture in the ground or something. However it works, it was in full bloom today. A green desert? Hmmm....
Yes, I had errands to run and a Dr's appointment to attend to but I didn't let it deter me.
I also got to spend a few quality moments with my dad, which is always nice (whether I'll admit it or not!) and also I spent some time talking to my mom--which is always a blessing!
So although nothing SpEcTaCuLaR happened it was a good day.
And now I have a blog.
And you have to read it...