The Sixth Wilbury

Saturday, July 21, 2007


I really don't understand what the "i" in iPod stands for. Yes, I own one and I even work on a mac so am used to seeing things like "iPhoto" or "iTunes." But that's not really the point of all this; why is everyone else in the world putting "i" before everything? Do THEY know what it means, or are they just putting it there because the trend seems to have worked for Apple? This kind of reminds me of that anti-drug "Leeching" commercial where all those kids put leeches all over themselves because, "everyone else is doing it." It's kind of like all these other advertisers are "iLeeching" themselves- (that just came to me)!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

One Hit Wonder

Ahh, the feeling of posting a new blog... the blank screen, a huge gap between the last blog and this one- no pressure!

A couple summers ago I was directed to the fantastic website that is "" Seeing as how tomorrow starts my 5 week vacation before school starts up again, my new slogan is as follows: "FEEL IT- SUMMER VACATION!" Perfect!

Also I had this random thought: You know how the UPS trucks don't have doors? Well I was just getting to feeling really bad for them because it is so blazing hot here, especially sitting on the I-10 in rush hour traffic. (I was enlightened to this while driving to Elisa's for a JR WINE AND PIZZA NIGHT which just means that we had this other pasta dish instead of pizza (but it was still fabulous!) I did feel bad for that UPS guy. But maybe he felt bad for me because I didn't have a cool brown outfit like him...