The Sixth Wilbury

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Why The Desert Is Not A Cool Place To Be In The Summer

Ha, ha. And yes, pun intended.

I've decided to put together a little list for you non-desert dwellers as to why you should be glad you're not here right now:
*Cold water is hard to come by (i.e. shower, sink, to drink-unless it's out of the fridge.)
*No I don't have to heat up my car in the winter before I go somewhere, instead I have to get it started early so the A/C can cool off.
*Even though I have taken the proper percautions such as a silver thing in my windshield, the stearing wheel burns my hands when I touch it. A whole new meaning is given to SUN BURN...
*It doesn't matter if you try to get up early to go running or if you decide to sleep in a little... it's still gonna be hot.
*As fun as it would be to eat ice cream for 3 meals a day to cool off, it's just not happening. I already am having problems... (see reason above). (michelle is not allowed to comment) (-:
*"It's a dry heat!" ok. Go stick your head in an oven. Tell me how you feel about it THEN.
*It would really suck to be a firefighter, fighting a forest fire, in their firefighter gear, in the middle of the desert. PUT OUT YOUR CAMPFIRES, PEOPLE!!!
*I can't play with my dog outside, for her own good )-:
*It's hard to put an outfit together... it's 120 degrees outside, 155 degress in your car, and 68 degrees in any public building.
*Cannot even chance running outside, JUST FOR A SECOND!! barefoot. Flip flops rule.
*If you are being smart and wearing flip flops to the pool and you leave them right-side-up, well you might as well just walk back inside barefoot.

I'm sure there are perks to living in the desert......??? I just can't seem to think of any right now...


At 2:10 PM, Blogger Elisabeth said...

Is is odd that I have a blanket at my desk in the middle of summer?


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