The Sixth Wilbury

Friday, July 08, 2005

Air in a Can

I am amazed. Absolutely and totally amazed.
I've discovered Air in a Can.
Okay, now don't do that, "ckhs" sound of disbelief, because I HAVE heard of it before. It just wasn't until today that I got to play with it!! I went around "airing" everything from keyboards to picture frames to CD players! Very effective, let me tell you.

Perhaps the most mysterious thing about air in a can --aside from the thought of, wow, someone is sitting in their big mansion because on day they decided to put air in a can and sell it-- is, why does the can get cold as you spray the air out? But then it stops being cold once you stop spraying...? Can you buy air in a can that will be hot when you spray it out? Maybe I should invent THAT, and then me and that other guy who invented COLD air in a can can sit around in our mansions and have a "we invented hot and cold air in cans" club.

Oh man. I can picture the t-shirts now...


At 10:51 AM, Blogger greyguitar said...

something similar:


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