The Sixth Wilbury

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Brown? Since I live in the desert I often wonder if we should call ourselves "brown" when being especially environmentally friendly. After all, if I was to truly "go green" in the desert that would imply water waste. Not good.

Blue? This would most likely apply to those living on small, barely populated islands. And really, are they able to import all of the crap that is killing the planet? Of if you're a smurf and are looking out for numero uno.

Green? Well, if that's the agreed upon phrase then I have to admit I am doing worse and worse as time goes on. Don't get me wrong. I recycle just about everything I can, and have even gone through the (top layer) of trash to make sure my brother / roommate has not thrown an aluminum can in there by mistake. What I can't figure out is why society is making it so darn easy to get less and less green? Take the Swiffer, for example. Yes, it does pick up EVERYTHING the "broom leaves behind" but then you have to throw the swiffer pad away. So I am forced to choose: leave everything behind that the broom does not pick up or destroy the planet one swiffer sheet at a time. Dilemmas!! Or then there is this new face wash stuff I'm using. It's the Aveeno face washing pads. They are convienently pre-soaked, individual face wash things that you (I) throw away after a single use. I was a non-believer at first, not totally convinced that my face would be any cleaner, but HOLY COW! It does make a difference! So again, a dilemma. Dirty face leading to all sorts of acne problems which would lead to all sorts of other problems, or fill landfills at an alarming rate?

I'm definitely not going green lately. Or brown, or blue.


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