The Sixth Wilbury

Monday, February 28, 2005

welcome back... to me!!

So many days gone by... so many things to blog about. Where do I start?!

Speaking of foaming hand soap... have you tried it? So cool. I'll admit, when I went to the store to get hand soap and there was none to be had (I was at the pharmacy specifically looking for Dial handsoap), I reluctantly bought the foaming stuff. I went home and discovered that it's like a magic trick every time i wash my hands!!! If this stuff isn't getting kids to wash their grimy hands ten times a day then I don't know what will! I've come to find out that there are different colors, like green and blue and red. Amazing.

Wouldn't it be cool to have a job where someone says, "take this here bottle of handsoap and do something... cool with it." And you got to sit around and come up with how to make liquid soap FOAM with just the push of a pump? Apparently I chose the wrong profession.

I have a quick book recommendation: It's called Granny Torelli Makes Soup. It's written by Sharon Creech and it is SO good!! Quick read, but you'll definitely be able to relate.

P.S. NDH shirts are due in any time! (-: If you haven't gotten yours, (which, you haven't because no one has!) MAYBE you'll get it soon! Make sure you're registered and we'll pass your paper work on to the BOARD and see if you'll be eligable (-:

(I crack myself up!)

Monday, February 14, 2005

Like THIS is Original!!

Today I decided that Target employees are lucky because they didn't have to debate about whether or not to show up to work looking "festive."

When I woke up this morning I realized I don't have any red shirts that I would be able to wear to school so I settled for a redish-purplish shrit-thing. I did look a little out of place next to EVERY OTHER TEACHER who happened to coincidentally wear red today.

So after school when I stopped at Target and saw so many red shirts, I thought for a split second, "that's cool that Target lets their employees dress up for holidays..." then I realized they didn't really have a choice. This would also be good for people who may WANT to dress up in Valentine attire to work but feel slightly awkward. If you work at Target you could just walk around all day saying, "well, you know how they MAKE us wear red..."

Happy Valentine's Day, everybody!!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

new connection

Many times what happens to me is that throughout the week I think of things that would be silly to post on my blog but when I sit in front of my computer, I've lost that great thought. Bummer.

As I was doing my habitual "trying really hard to catch up on blogs" readings this morning, I found that most of my fellow bloggowers and most of the bloggers I bloggow have titles that are "deep and meaningful." Which, don't get me wrong, is a cool thing! My name is about being a wanna-be... )-: but I'm okay with it. Then under their awe-inspiring titles are these fabulous thought-provoking quotes. (you know who you are!... basically anyone who's reading this!!) Oh well. I just thought it was silly... SEE!! Something silly to write about today... perfect! (-:

The computer at my school does not allow access to my blog, or to view any others. This was a major bummer because after school would be the perfect time for me to recount all of the funny things and silly thoughts that occured throughout the day. There's a link I could click on to "request an unblock." Yeah. how would that look? "I need you to unblock these pages so I can BLOG and READ everyone elses because I get too lazy to do it if I wait until I get home!"
Hey, it could work (-:

Thursday, February 10, 2005

the horn went beep, beep, beep

What is it with me and weird dog stories? I don't know, but you betcha that I've got another one!

There is a lady who (I'm assuming) lives near me and is really good to her dog because I see her "walking" it pretty much everyday as I'm driving home from school. The first day I saw her I guessed she was on a long road trip and had just pulled over so her dog could stretch and stuff. I guess I really didn't think much of it but I noticed it because, well it was a dog and I was just EXPECTING something interesting to happen, seeing as how that is the trend. She was in that same spot the next day so my 'road trip' theory was shot. I didn't know what to think at that point. Until yesterday, when I saw her and her dog move further into their routine. And I kid you not:

She hangs on to the leash out of the driver's side window while her dog walks alongside the car. Of course she puts her hazard lights on, for safety's sake, you know...

p.s. do you think that in movies the actors wear their real wedding rings, or are they just costume pieces?

Thursday, February 03, 2005

A major theory in my life yesterday was proven to be wrong, and I think there are CERTAIN people who will now forever mock me, but that's okay. What I am about to admit needs to be said:

I, Miss Parker, made a Lean Cuisine pepperoni pizza for lunch... in the microwave. Yes, the rumors are true. I caved. and it was... good!

I suppose I should take a moment to explain why this was such a feat: I have this whole theory about cooking pizza in the microwave. I [was] convinced that the crust would not come out crispy, but instead that it would be soggy. SO, all summer I would put my t.v. dinner pizzas in the oven and wait, and wait, and watch everyone else eat, and wait, while my "microwave pizza" took 30 minutes to cook in the oven, (while everyone else's took 3 minutes in the microwave). But I was convinced that it was better that way.

Out of all fairness it wasn't completely my fault that I seemingly caved to peer pressure--there was no oven around. I was at school where the teacher's lounge only contains a microwave, no ovens. When I bought my Lean Cuisine pepperoni pizza this thought did not cross my mind. So on Wednesday, January 2, 2005 when I had no choice but to either cook it in the microwave or starve, I did the former. (is that right? well you know what I mean... obviously I just cooked the darn thing!)
And I ate it.
And I enjoyed it.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Dealings to be Dealt With

Some of you have been involved in this scandal from the beginning, and we honestly thought it was over at this point. I have some bad news: it's not over.
Yesterday, in the mail no less, I got some disturbing news. Apparently I (still) owe the University of South Carolina just under $400. Now, I have made numerous phone calls and even flew all the way to Columbia just for the sole purpose of trying to resolve this issue... (well, sort of!)
But-- today as I was driving home from an always-eventful day of 6th grade, it hit me: Rob, you know that mysterious USC check you received in the mail a while back? I think I'm funding your after-college fund!!! (-: I'll go ahead and say "you're welcome" now. I know, awfully kind of me!
I guess I'll be calling there tomorrow and speaking with my friend (I think her name is Sharon). Maybe she'll remember me and it'll be like a high school reunion or something.
Good times, good times.