The Sixth Wilbury

Monday, February 28, 2005

welcome back... to me!!

So many days gone by... so many things to blog about. Where do I start?!

Speaking of foaming hand soap... have you tried it? So cool. I'll admit, when I went to the store to get hand soap and there was none to be had (I was at the pharmacy specifically looking for Dial handsoap), I reluctantly bought the foaming stuff. I went home and discovered that it's like a magic trick every time i wash my hands!!! If this stuff isn't getting kids to wash their grimy hands ten times a day then I don't know what will! I've come to find out that there are different colors, like green and blue and red. Amazing.

Wouldn't it be cool to have a job where someone says, "take this here bottle of handsoap and do something... cool with it." And you got to sit around and come up with how to make liquid soap FOAM with just the push of a pump? Apparently I chose the wrong profession.

I have a quick book recommendation: It's called Granny Torelli Makes Soup. It's written by Sharon Creech and it is SO good!! Quick read, but you'll definitely be able to relate.

P.S. NDH shirts are due in any time! (-: If you haven't gotten yours, (which, you haven't because no one has!) MAYBE you'll get it soon! Make sure you're registered and we'll pass your paper work on to the BOARD and see if you'll be eligable (-:

(I crack myself up!)


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