The Sixth Wilbury

Sunday, July 01, 2007

One Hit Wonder

Ahh, the feeling of posting a new blog... the blank screen, a huge gap between the last blog and this one- no pressure!

A couple summers ago I was directed to the fantastic website that is "" Seeing as how tomorrow starts my 5 week vacation before school starts up again, my new slogan is as follows: "FEEL IT- SUMMER VACATION!" Perfect!

Also I had this random thought: You know how the UPS trucks don't have doors? Well I was just getting to feeling really bad for them because it is so blazing hot here, especially sitting on the I-10 in rush hour traffic. (I was enlightened to this while driving to Elisa's for a JR WINE AND PIZZA NIGHT which just means that we had this other pasta dish instead of pizza (but it was still fabulous!) I did feel bad for that UPS guy. But maybe he felt bad for me because I didn't have a cool brown outfit like him...


At 9:03 PM, Blogger Marci said...

I happen to know that today you got some new brown capris -- just get a button-up brown shirt to match, and you can b the most stylish UPS driver ever!


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