After some serious (half) marathon training tonight I was walking towards my car and saw a grass-plot full of bunnies. They all turned and looked at me and for a second I got real scared... there were about 11 of them and only one of me. If they could count, I thought, they would realize that there are 11 x more of them than me! (not good odds for me considering my fear of rodent like mammals.) And thus a new few was born in me. Not quite as bad as my, "I'm sure there are THINGS hiding under my bed" fear, but a close second... it would really suck to be attacked by a bunny rabbit. Think about it. It would be totally unexpected and seriously traumatizing. I don't think I would ever be able to celebrate Easter with the same enthusiasm. )-:
Why am I thinking about Easter and bunnies? Not quite sure.
Santa came to school today!
I think, for a brief moment, my darling 6th graders believed...