The Sixth Wilbury

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Haight Street

I've decided that I would much rather be a bum here (pronounced HATE) than in just regular downtown San Fransisco. Yeah, the odds of getting money in this part of the city seem much greater, considering that many more of these bums have dogs... sure it's easy to say "no" to a bum. But have you ever tried to say "no" to a bum's dog? They're so cute! Anyway... thanks to my new best friend Noah, I had this realization about Haight Street.

Other realizations that are occuring to me this trip:
*homeless people love tattos
*krispy kreme is better than donut world (no matter what the sign says!)
*793,000+ people live in SF
*the Golden Gate Bridge is not golden
*Robin is not always around to kill a spider when you need him to be )-:
*if you jump up and down in an elevator in SF, it will think you are an earthquake and it will stop
*Kris is really good at reading maps
*left turns are not allowed in SF (apparently it's a law...?!)
*it's perfectly acceptable to make obscene gestures at random people while driving down the freeway
*Crepe stores are not as readily accessable as they should be
*the Noodle House is really far from the hotel

Wow. So far it's been quite the educational experience! Just think, if this is how much I've learned in 4 days, imagine what 10 days'll do to me...


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