The Sixth Wilbury

Friday, June 03, 2005

Flakey Thomas

So far my "last summer of being not a grown-up" is bringing about interesting adventures. So much has happened that I don't know where to start! (Be sure to check KRIS' blog also, as it holds many summer treasures as well) (-:

Seeing an old "camp friend" at the airport in LA was awesome! Don't confuse this with the thought, "LA was awesome!" because it wasn't. I decided that, in most cases, a city will "stop" for the airport and all of it's happenings. This is not the case at LAX. The city and the airport just all kind of happen at the same time and place. This did not make it easy for my navigator (who did a fabulous job!) to navigate us to the correct terminal and parking. But we made it, sort of. And when we were to the place that we thought we were supposed to be, and as we innocently tried to make our way up the escalator, we were approaced by this really offical looking man who asked, "vere you trying to go?" (not a typo- and throw in an accent, while you're at it!) (-: we explained that we were trying to meet our friend and he was actually really helpful in telling us that we were in the wrong terminal. So we made our way over to the right place, met up with Janet and spent an hour and a half eating airport chinese food and talking about the past, present and future. It was awesome! Ahh, the joys of seeing people after a long time (-:

Leaving the airport is a completely different story. Although one would think that "Supleveda" is the only word you would need to know to escape the madness of LAX, that is a common misconception. Next time you're lost in the world of the Los Angeles airport, just give me a call. I've circled it a couple of times now (-: and kind of consider myself an expert at this point...
Of course it was not anything that a few energy drinks and some m&ms couldn't cure (-:

notice my new name, Flakey Thomas...? Yeah. it's my road sister name.


At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Miss Parker how did I get here? I was trying to find some info on ENERGY4U so goodness knows why the last link I clicked on brought me here. But although there is nothing about ENERGY4U, I'd like to say what a good job you've done with Flakey Thomas

At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Miss Parker how did I get here? I was trying to find some info on ENERGY4U so goodness knows why the last link I clicked on brought me here. But although there is nothing about ENERGY4U, I'd like to say what a good job you've done with Flakey Thomas


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