The Sixth Wilbury

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Lost and Found

I've decided that you haven't heard the Beatles until you've put an old record on and kicked back. Last night I pulled out "Abbey Road" and put in on my record player because I wanted something 'new' to listen to. The first song on one side is "Here Comes the Sun." So, so good. I couldn't believe all that I had been missing out on!

Of course I knew that records were so much better quality the moment I slapped a Roy Orbison on the ol' turntables, but I'm a believer that the Beatles are a completely different experience all together. Speaking of Roy Orbison, I remember being in missing-music-panic-mode about 6 months ago when my Roy CD went MIA. I searched high, and I searched low. Unable to come up with anything I had resolved to buy yet ANOTHER used copy at The Warehouse. Luckily I never got around to that errand because last friday night as my brother and his friend were hooking up the stereo in the living room that had been sitting idle since May, they turned the CD player on, and what should come blaring through those dusty speaker? None other than "You Got It." I was in the kitchen and it took all I had to not jump for joy shouting, "oh my gosh! I've been looking EvErYwHeRe for this CD!!" oh, wait. I did jump for joy and say that... (-: Needless to say, my spring is starting off on a great NOTE.

haha, get it?
I'm soooo funny! (-:


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