The Sixth Wilbury

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

shake your booty

I love interesting days, most of the time anyway. And, lucky for me, being a teacher brings many to my attention! My big story for the day is as follows:
I'm reading a book with the 6th graders and today the following line was in the story: "The man collected his goods and walked out into the street showing off his booty." Obviously we're talking about SHOES here, right? Or maybe it meant his PRIZE? OR, if you're a 6th grader it obviously means BUTT--(surprisingly enough to me)!! This totally sweet girl comes up to me while they're working on an assignment and looks genuinely concerned. "Why would he walk out in the street and show his... butt... to people? Like why would the author have put that in there?"
I can in no way explain what my face must have looked like, but I went on to explain that, "oh, no! That's not what they mean by 'booty.' Think of it like a pirate, you know, when they would steal stuff, they would get booty... Wait, wait. hmmm, I don't think I quite mean it like that either...!" I think I finally got the point across to her and then I said I would have to tell the class that explanation. So, I do. It really was kinda funny, and they all started blushing cuz, you know, they're in 6th grade. And of course some wise-ass kiddo is like, "oh, yeah! booty! hahaha."
They say the darndest things, huh?!?!


At 2:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

What a darling little episode! Moments like that must make you really happy to be a teacher!

Keep up the excellent blogging!


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