The Sixth Wilbury

Monday, January 03, 2005

Back to School Sale

Today was my first day of student teaching, and I came home with scars to prove it! Seriously... I have a scratch mark on my left cheek right below my eye and it stings, and I have no idea how it arrived there. I'm pretty sure it's NOT from when I was stealing that kids lunch money... (-: totally kidding, totally kidding. Anyways, it was an interesting day. It's been raining here for the past few days, which continued on to today. So it was a rainy day schedule. Now for anyone who has been an elementary school student (ah-hem...) you can maybe imagine this. Now remember back to your 6th grade days, and a day right after break. ALL these kids wanted to do was chit chat. It was fun, but just weird, being a "role model" and all.
And then there's this scratch on my cheek.... tomorrow should be interesting!


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