The Sixth Wilbury

Friday, January 07, 2005

A Great Way to Start the Day

Oh, goodness. The joys of pretending to be a grown up!
Yesterday morning was oh-so-eventful. Already by 7:45am I felt like I had put in more than a day’s worth! Here was my day:
6:00 am- Wake up and start getting ready for school. (Now that I’m a wanna-be teacher!)
6:50 am- Ahh. The best part of my day… BREAKFAST!!
7:00 am- Pack a lunch and make sure I look like a grown up before I walk out the door.
7:20 am- Head out the door, awesome water bottle and lunch box in hand. Oh yeah. I’m ready for anything.
7:20:30 am- Unlock my door and notice that my entire car is COVERED IN ICE!!
7:21 am- Frantically search through my purse for my driver’s license. I’ve heard that these things will scrape off a windshield!
7:23 am- This isn’t working. Go to plan B.
7:23:05 am- Realize there is no plan B. Heck, there’s not even really a plan A.
7:23:15 am- Continue scraping at my windshield with my driver’s license.
7:26 am- Realize I’m going to be late. Run in the house for my cell phone and call Kathy. “I’m gonna be late. My car is covered in ice and I’m chipping away at it with my driver’s license!” Laughter on both ends of the phone. “I’ll be there as soon as I can!”
7:27 am- Yell down the hall asking my mom if we had a windshield scraper ANYWHERE in our house.
7:27:10 am- Negative on the windshield scraper.
7:27:40 am- Begin rifling through kitchen drawers for something… ANYTHING!
7:28 am- Stumble upon a pancake flipper/spatula/(apparently) windshield scraper.
7:28:30 am- Run back outside, (in my grown up shoes, mind you!) and begin to furiously scrape away at my windshield.
7:30 am- Still messing with the stupid spatula and windshield dilemma.
7:35 am- Yep. You got it. Only this time add “while freezing my fingers off!” to the end of the sentence.
7:37 am- Good enough. Even though my defrost doesn’t seem to be working, this will get me there.
7:46 am- Pull into the school. Kids are lining up for class and I am panicking. I go to stand in line with the 6th graders. They all ask why I am carrying a spatula. Oh, wouldn’t they like to know?!?!

So that was pretty much how my day started off yesterday.
Fun stuff.
But at least I got cereal (-:


At 9:04 PM, Blogger greyguitar said...

I suppose Plan Z was hot water??

At 6:29 AM, Blogger kngrooms said...

I have also had this happen to me before. See, I'm very bad about becoming impatient with the defroster and scrapping just enough, a small hole right in front of my face on the windshield, and then trying to navigate through traffic while peering through my peephole. It's very precarious. And do you wanna guess what I keep in my glove compartment in lieu of an ice scrapper?'s a red spatula. :)


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