The Sixth Wilbury

Saturday, January 15, 2005

crooked piece of time

My belt broke in school the other day. Okay, so there's more to the whole belt dilemma than just "it breaking," so I suppose I should start at the beginning:
Lately I've been SO good about getting my stuff ready for the next day before I go to bed. I am so proud of myself (-: This usually includes getting some lunch stuff together and laying my clothes out. So I set out my super cool navy blue dickies to wear with a very nice teacher shirt (-: good stuff. When I'm getting ready to leave, (five minutes early just incase there's ice on my car), I decide I need a belt because I don't want my super cool navy blue dickies to fall down half way through the day. I have this totally neat belt that is navy blue with little green turtles around it and figure that would be Perfect-o. I proceed to spend the next 10 minutes of my already tightly scheduled morning looking for that perfect navy blue belt with green turtles around it. It is no where to be found. I even took a little teeth-brushing break to look for it thinking that I might recall where I had put it. no luck. Instead I decide to wear this other leather belt (that I haven't worn in years so i was hoping it would still fit--which it did, luckily), and I decided that I looked okay with that belt on.
While picking the kids up after morning recess, I am fidgeting with my belt and it breaks. Like in half (well, but not in half-- more like into two pieces). The leather had worn down and broken where it "clips". So I try really hard to non-chalantly take off my belt and put it in my bag, but then I felt really uncomfortable all day because I felt like my pants were gonna fall off. It was just weird.
Imagine the complex I could get because my BELT BROKE ONE DAY!
Perhaps I should lay off on the cereal (-;
(yeah, you know I'm kidding... I could never live without my cereal!)


At 4:04 PM, Blogger greyguitar said...

i'm almost positive that cereal is the culprit.

did you know that you look like the actress who played Ivy's sister in The Village?


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