The Sixth Wilbury

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Wisdom Beyond my Ages

There are so many things that I could write about today... "Where to start?" is what I've been saying to myself all day! So, instead of humoring y'all with my nonsensical witt, I've decided to take on a more serious tone and give some life-long advice instead. I know, but I gotta say it: I do it all for the fans!
Advice from Amanda--be sure to take note:
Never iron your clothes while you are wearing whatever it is you are trying to iron.
Okay, okay. I imagine some of you might not be taking this as seriously as you need to be (-; but let me remind you that this is something serious. You see, this morning I was ironing my shirt (no, not while I was wearing it) and I thought how much it would hurt if I got burned by the iron. "If I was in a rush," I thought to myself, "would I still stand here patiently and iron the shirt? Surely it seems faster to put it on first." As I restrained myself from trying this experiment out (I'm always looking for ways to get things done faster... especially in the mornings) I thought "I should write about this in my blog. This is just the sort of thing that people need to hear about." After going back and forth between, "that's a stupid idea" and "that's the best idea EVER!" I decided to go with my second feeling. You see, if someone WERE to put up on their blog one day that they had been burned by ironing an article of clothing while they were wearing it, I would feel responsible. Like I didn't do my part to prevent this tragedy.
So please remember this, if it's all you EVER remember...



At 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was it your Mom who worked with a lady that this happened to?? I feel like you told me about this happenening...hmmm, who was that???


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