The Sixth Wilbury

Monday, September 12, 2005

I'm Glad I'm Not THAT Lady

Today I decided on what I think would be one of the worst jobs ever...

The lady (or guy) who goes around to various elementary schools to hold assemblies presenting up-coming fundraisers. Yup... I think that's it. One of the worst jobs around. First of all, you have to cater to too large of an age variety. K-6th graders? At the same time? I know master teachers who couldn't pull this one off. The presentation always ends up being too mature for the little kids or way to naive for the the big kids. Asking kids to whisper the magic words, "but one get one free" as a magic chant will only go so far, and 6th graders will only play along for so long before the mocking sets in. ooh, the mocking...

And then there's the talking in the gym. It's loud and it echoes. Every word you say bounces off the walls, and every scream they scream bounces into someone elses mouth and comes out a scream, and so on and so on until the entire place sounds like 35 fourth graders learning to play the recorder for the first time... in the gym.

If you were thinking of pursuing a career in the field of fundraiser presenting, I strongly recommend a serious career-choice evaluation.


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