The Sixth Wilbury

Friday, August 05, 2005

Rock Hauling

I was recently chatting on the phone and listening to complaints of "rubber-neckers" on the road. As it happens, I was one the other day. But I've got a good excuse... it was well worth it!!
Turning left onto the street that gets me to the street that my house is on, there was what appeared to be a trailer hauling rock, that had completely tipped on its side and was now lying on a backhoe. Hmmm... interesting. Because there was a cop there and cars behind me, I felt I couldn't completely stop and look, so I kept going. It was right about that time that I decided to change up my running route for later that evening so that I would just "happen" to run past it and be able to get a good look.

Let me also say that there was no vehicle attached to the aforementioned trailer. How it got there remains a mystery to me. Why it was unhooked from the vehicle in that spot is also puzzling. Anyway, as I ever so casually jogged by and watched four of Phoenix's finest ponder the problem in front of them, I was just glad to have something to chuckle about for the rest of the run, aside from the used condoms that seem to be gathering on the side of the street.

...oh-have I not mentioned the used condoms?


At 12:28 PM, Blogger Elisabeth said...

Sorry, that was me. Gotta dispose of the evidence. :)


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