The Sixth Wilbury

Monday, June 20, 2005

I [heart] JAMES

(I'm considering this post to be my act of community service, just so you know!)

Driving to my house, the road curves ever so sharply and there are various signs indicating that a RIGHT TURN would be a wise move. On the big arrown ------> someone has recently spray painted:
I <3 JAMES (you get it)

Wow. Talk about a love momento. But I can only wonder how James feels. Is this the first time his lover has professsed her feelings? Does James usually drive down this road and make this ever so sharp right turn? Does he see it every day? Is he distracted by it? Does he think about her everytime he drives by? Is he one of those drivers that puts his right blinker on around this corner, even though there is no other way to go? Was it a joke and James thinks it's for real? Will he be emotionally scarred for life? Or maybe they are together, and it's not some evil teen plot. Will they be together forever? Because if they should happen to break up, and especially if SHE breaks it off, she will definitely have to go back and do some self-editing. Oh, gosh. The perils that come with proclaiming your love to someone. Who knew there was so much involved?? Well James, if you're reading this, I hope it all works out for you. I have no spray paint, but I do have toilet paper and shaving cream. Much can be done to show your feelings towards someone with these items, as well. Although it may not be as permanent as the spray paint, it has it's advantages...!



At 12:35 PM, Blogger Elisabeth said...

Toilet paper and whipped cream.... better than a Hallmark Card.


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