The Sixth Wilbury

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Welcome to Moe's!!

(Yeah, I suppose that would get annoying if I had to say it every single time someone walked in the door!)

Just when I thought I'd seen it all:
I had a kid "meow" in the middle of math today. Yeah, who knows. I didn't, and when I asked him just what exactly was going through his mind the moment he thought it would be a good idea to meow during class, he didn't know. Big surprise.

Girl Scout cookies are in, in case you were wondering. When I asked my family if anyone was interested in ordering some (I have major hookups in the girl scout world!) (-: no one seemed interested. YET I find it very peculiar that when the cookies actually arrived and MY check had been cut, an entire box of girl scout cookies disappeared in less than one day. Hmmm... interesting how that works.

Joke for the day:
If peanut butter cookies are made out of peanut butter, then what are girl scout cookies made from??

haha, i know. (-:


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