The Sixth Wilbury

Sunday, September 09, 2007

MySpace is the Devil

Okay, so I'm breaking down and blogging about this. Mostly because I feel like I need to say it but more importantly because I don't want to actually say it. Here goes:

Dan still has his ex-gf as his "#1 friend" on myspace. Now maybe this isn't the huge-ist deal because maybe he is one of those guys who doesn't update his myspace profile. But, nay. he does. Because I was once #6 and am now #4. (number 4!!?!) And some other people have been shifted around on the top 16. (now do you see why I can't actually say this to anyone?! Even I know I'm sounding ridiculous!) Anyway, it's really been bothering me, so to cope with it I would go on to her myspace once in a while and make myself feel better by: seeing that they aren't necessarily in contact (so why the hell is she #1?!), and then mocking her and all of her friends (real mature, I know). But now her profile is mysteriously "private." Whatever. this is dumb but thank you for reading and not thinking less of me. Now I can go on with my pointless Sunday web surfing and feel ok about my situation.


At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 questions:
1. i'm assuming he doesn't look at your blog?
2. why don't you become her friend on myspace so you can keep tabs? surely having dan-o in common is enough reason to be myspace pals, right?


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