The Sixth Wilbury

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Day 2

On my birthday last year I made a "resolution" to write for 25 days straight, seeing as how I had just turned 25. The surprising part: I actually did it! So here I am, attempting to blog with some sort of consistency... two days in a row!

Today's thoughts during a 4:30 am, 16-mile run:
*It's finally cooling off in the desert- it was only 78 degrees at 4:15 this morning!
*I wonder: besides being up to run at that ungodly hour, where the heck are people going so early?!
*16 was the big mileage marker that I hit last time before realizing my marathon dreams of 2002 were down the shitter, yet today I conquered!
*Could I run 10.2 more miles? Hmmm... that's a good one...
*I have to start blogging more about running stuff because, quite possibly, people are getting sick of hearing about my 400-splits at Wednesday track.

I'm running sans music these days so I have a lot of time to think about things. And notice things along the canals. Like, there is this yard that has 3 goats in it and one of them is always sitting on top of this little doghouse type structure. It cracks me up, for some reason. Or, that most of the storm sewer covers along the Arizona canals were made in Mexico. Ah-hem: "hache en Mexico." (which ends up getting stuck in my head so I end up repeating "hache en Mexico" to the rhythm of my footfalls until something better presents itself.) And to think- I've been missing out on these things for years!

Seeing as how my Saturday Sleep Schedule is in full effect (5 hours last night, plus 4 hours this afternoon) I will probably pretend to clean my house for an hour or so before I am hopefully able to crash. Maybe I'll be back for an exciting day 3.


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