The Sixth Wilbury

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Adventures at the GYM

I think this blog is long overdue, so I've decided to just sit down and write it while I wait for the foamy stuff to disinfect my bathroom countertop...

1. People who talk on the phone while walking on the treadmill. Now I understand that something might've come up at home or whatever, but this is not the "ok, I'll be right there, and call 911 on my way!" this is, "oh my gosh. you are kidding?!? I know. And then she said that he said that she said that she was actually going to go! I don't know. A manicure AND pedicure? I don't know if I have time for all of that- I need to be able to get to the gym on thursday, ya know."
Okay. That one, I could go on and on about all night.

2. Girls who use hairspray to perfect the 'do before taking Step class.

3. ugh. repeat # 2.

4. people who sit on a machine for an extended period of time and don't use it. I do understand the whole "rest between sets" concept. But I would think that in order for there to be a rest, there sould actually be a set...?

Well I guess that's pretty much it. Since I've called it quits on the "be a better person" new years resolution, I feel like I needed to write this blog. To really make sure that I'm for sure NOT a nice person.


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