The Sixth Wilbury

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

5:36 of GLORY!

The physical therapist was supposed to fix everything in one day. It's been 3 weeks. Three times per week. You do the math. And I'm still broken. (Apparently it appears that I've gone through four or so really traumatic child births... my hip is out of place or something.) Anyway, with my sentence of "no running for a month" well underway, I'm miserable. I'm getting sort of bitchy towards the kids at school and my co-workers, I want to rear end people in traffic when they're already going above the speed limit, and this little part of me wants to take a golf club to the knees of those I see running through the streets at 4:30 in the morning as I'm driving to the gym to ride the stinking bike. (but that could be a whole 'nother issue; who knows!)

Explaining this to the physical therapist actually worked to my advantage. Instead of going the other way, which would have possibly involved a straight jacket and my driver's license being taken away. So he let me run. For FIVE WHOLE MINUTES! So, in retro-spect of my last blog, here ya go:

:30. Finally he lets me choose my own speed. Look at me! I'm running!
:46. "Are you happy now?" he asks. Hey- don't get smart with me! (but yes, I am happy now!)
Minute 1:25. Sorta wish I had my iPod. Oh well.
Minute 1:50. See? My leg doesn't hurt at all! And look. It's almost been TWO WHOLE MINUTES!
Minute 2:35. Feelin' good. I'm back in the game!
Minute 2:47. Crap! Is it half over already?? What a bunch of bull...
Minute 3:05. I wonder if he can tell that my right leg is killing me. Probably not. I'm a really good actress... I can cover it up!
Minute 3:53. Whew! I could do this all day!
Minute 4:18. Seriously. Less that a minute left? Doesn't he need to go somewhere and do something besides sit here and time me?
Minute 4:46. A-ha! Yup- see that lady over there. I KNEW she wasn't keeping that elbow straight. You'd better go help her. Yeah. Take her through both sets of 30, why don'tcha?
Minute 5:02. If that little assistant of his comes over and shuts this thing off, I will hurt him. Well, maybe just his feelings. But either way I'll leave my mark!
Minute 5:36. Busted.

So I throw in my side of the argument: "You didn't really let me start until thirty seconds into it! And you did say I could run for 5 minutes." Yeah. none of the 3 in the area bought it. If I promise to not run this weekend I'll get a whole 15 minutes on Monday!! whoo-hoo! I'll be sure to load up on the carbs and fluids for that one.



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